New York DOH guidance during Covid-19

June 26th, 2020:  New York State Department of Health issued guidance for child care programs during the COVID-19 public health emergency.  The reopening guidance covers health and safety in three broad areas affecting people, places, and processes.

Operating in the time of COVID-19 requires nimble use of readily accessible data especially in the critical case of contact tracing.  

People and Health Screening:

The NYSDOH guidance requires that early childhood centers put in place measures for drop-off and pick-up that allow for strict social distancing, limiting the number of parents and caregivers inside the facility and staggered arrival and departure times.  Guidance also suggests staggered staff arrivals and use of shifts and consistent means of providing employees with information.


The State guidance suggests that front desk and reception areas be closed off and parents remain outside.


Guidance suggests that to the extent possible, administrators should maintain a log of every person who has “close or proximate contact with other individuals in the work site or area.” This includes keeping name and contact information for these facility visitors to allow for quick and effective contact tracing should the need arise.  

Download NY State guidelines


People and Health Screening

Contact Tracing: GoPad provides a searchable, reliable, electronic platform for student daily health checks.  The health check feature allows teachers to screen each child upon arrival at the child care facility,  The child’s’ temperature can be recorded and saved in the searchable database and confirmation that screening questions have been asked, memorialized.  GoPad Visitor Module allows front desk staff to capture and keep this information for all facility visitors in a searchable database.

Attendance and arrival time :  GoPad allows teachers to check children “in” and “out” from outside of the school building as the software will function offline.  It captures and saves arrival and departure time for each student as well as the name and signature of the approved caregiver, even when outside the range of facility WiFi.  This data is stored in the log book for reporting.   This feature allows for safe social distancing during arrival and dismissal and health screening before children enter  (see “Procedures” below for health screening).  GoPad can also track staff attendance.  By checking in on the GoPad, administrators are able to see who is “in” and who is “out” from a simple dashboard screen.

Communication with text and email blasts: GoPad also allows administrators to text and email all parents, faculty and staff with the touch of one button. The notification feature can be programmed in advance to send messages at the same time each day. 


Check in procedure: GoPad provides a safe check-in procedure for both staff and visitors that can be utilized by one person in the reception area without shared high touch items such as clipboards and pens.  The information entered at reception is available to administrators in real-time providing instant information about who is inside the child care facility.


Reports and data:  GoPad provides searchable, reliable, electronic platform for student daily health checks.  The health check feature allows teachers to screen each child upon arrival at the child care facility,  The child’s’ temperature can be recorded and saved in the searchable database and confirmation that screening questions have been asked, memorialized.  GoPad Visitor Module allows front desk staff to capture and keep this information for all facility visitors in a searchable database.

More GoPad solutions:

Health screening

Parent alerts

Compliance reporting

Visitor tracking